

婚姻家事财富管理 家庭财富保护计划中使用全权信托有关的实务问题
作者 文康律师事务所
作者: 文康律师事务所

引 言




   Issues relating to Family Trusts



通常,全权信托指定的特定受益人群体为 “首要”、“第二”和“第三”受益人。







A trust must have identifiable beneficiaries. A discretionary trust will have a general class of discretionary beneficiaries.

It is usual to designate particular groupings of beneficiaries of discretionary trusts as ‘primary’, ‘secondary’ and ‘tertiary’ beneficiaries.

(a) Generally, the primary beneficiaries will be the parties who are the initial controllers of the trust.

(b) The secondary beneficiaries will usually be the children and other family members of the primary beneficiaries.

(c) Tertiary beneficiaries will generally be related companies, trusts, charitable organisations etc.

The trustee has an absolute discretion as to how income and capital of the trust is distributed on a year to year basis. Therefore, the trustee can distribute the whole or part of the income for a year and capital to any one of the primary, secondary or tertiary beneficiaries.

However, if there is no decision made as to how the income is to be distributed, the default beneficiaries (usually the primary beneficiaries) will share in the income equally.





The settlor is someone needs to pay the initial settlement sum of $10. This person is required to sign the trust deed and is called the ‘settlor’.

For tax reasons, the settlor should be a person who is totally unconnected with the parties setting up the trust or their family. For this reason, the settlor will usually be a friend who is not a relative or the accountant or lawyer for the parties.





 •  修改信托契约;
 •  变更信托的到期日(或终止日期);
 •  变更信托受益人。



Most discretionary trust deeds provide for a person known as the ‘appointor’ or ‘principal’ to have the power to change the trustee.

The appointor generally has the ultimate control over the trust assets because of the power to change the trustee.

More often than not, the appointor will also have additional “powers”, such as the ability to veto certain actions by the trustee (who may be required to provide prior notice of certain intended actions to the appointor).

This may extend to important issues such as:

• Amending the trust deed;
• Changing the vesting date (or end date) of the trust; and
• Changing the beneficiaries of the trust.

Certain protective powers may also be conferred on the appointor, such as the appointor’s prior consent may be required before the trustee exercises its powers on appointments of capital, appointing a vesting date, amending the trust deed or to add or exclude beneficiaries.

Alternatively, the appointor may be given a power of veto over the decisions of the trustee.






An alternative to the above is that a number of roles (e.g. Guardian, Principal, Protector) may be created within the trust deed with any one or more of these powers rather than providing all of the powers to the appointor. This therefore separates the various controlling and protective mechanisms within the trust deed so that no one person may be seen as in “control”.

Various restrictions on distributions from the trust fund may also be imposed upon the persons that take these roles to further enforce the argument that a person does not have “control”.

However, this is not recommended for the purposes of this trust due to the small family unit.




Appointor Succession

At the very least the trust deed for a family trust should provide a succession provision stating that in the event that the appointor dies, his personal representatives or executors will step into his or her shoes as appointor of the trust.

A better approach is to combine this automatic succession provision with the ability for the appointor to nominate their successor specifically, either at the commencement of the trust, or during the lifetime of the trust. In this case the nominee would automatically become appointor of the trust upon the death of the nominator without a time lag.




The ability to change the Appointor during the lifetime of the Trust

A well drafted family trust deed will also enable the appointor to resign their position and appoint a replacement in their stead. This is particularly important for relationship breakdowns where one party may wish to continue the trust without the involvement of the other.

The deed should also provide that the appointor’s position is vacated in the event of incapacity, bankruptcy and during a “family breakdown period”. Where one of these situations is only temporary the role is only vacated whilst that circumstance exists and they may resume that position once it has ended.


就联邦法院在破产程序中对信托的影响而言,客户需要了解Robert French法官在Richstar Enterprises Pty Ltd诉Carey (No . 6) [2006] FCA 814案中作出的判决。


1. 被告是受益人、公司受托人的董事和秘书,且信托赋予分配给目标受益人自由裁量权,而非赋予其他受益人之信托。

2. 被告为受托人及受益人,且被告有权将收益或资本分配予目标受益人之信托。

3. 被告为受益人,并有权罢免或任命受托人之信托。


 1. 风险承担者作为信托的直接受益人可能被排除。通过配偶或子女的受益人条款涉及的另一项全权信托可能会获得间接利益。

 2. 风险承担者可能只是公司受托人中众多董事之一,因此需要真正共同做出决定。

 3. 风险承担者不是委托人,或者,如果委托人是此类人中的一员,并且没有决定性投票。休假规定也可能是适当的


In terms of the Federal Court’s reach on a trust in bankruptcy proceedings, clients need to be aware of the decision of Justice Robert French in the matter of Richstar Enterprises Pty Ltd v Carey (No 6) [2006] FCA 814.

French J described three scenarios where he stated he would be willing to consider extending the receivers orders to cover “expectant interests” in a trust such that it would be considered property for the purposes of the definition of property in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), and therefore, would be available to the receivers.

These were:

1. A trust where the defendant is a beneficiary and a director and secretary of the corporate trustee and the trust confers a discretion to distribute to targeted beneficiaries to the exclusion of others.

2. A trust where the defendant is a trustee and beneficiary where the defendant has a discretion to distribute income or capital to a targeted beneficiary.

3. A trust where the defendant is a beneficiary and has the power to remove or appoint trustees.

In truly risky environments, actions which might be taken are:

1. The risk exposed person might be excluded as a direct beneficiary of the trust. An indirect benefit might be obtained through another discretionary trust brought into the beneficiary’s clause through the spouse or children.

2. the risk exposed person might be only one of a number of directors of the corporate trustee and the decisions need genuinely to be made jointly

3. the risk exposed person would not be the appointor or, if an appointor, is one of a number of such persons and does not have a casting vote. A vacation of office provision may also be appropriate.




Named Foreign Beneficiary

Should the trust contain named or specified beneficiaries that are foreign persons, the Chief Commissioner will usually require that such beneficiaries are removed from the trust as beneficiaries.

If the named foreign beneficiaries are not removed, the trustee will generally be liable for foreign surcharges.



Rules for non-resident beneficiaries

Generally, the net income of a trust is taxed to beneficiaries of the trust under section 97.

However, section 98 applies in certain cases to tax a trustee in relation to a beneficiary, including where a beneficiary is a non-resident at the end of an income year. Trustees are taxed in relation to non-resident beneficiaries to assist in the collection of Australian tax on relevant income.



Operation of subsections 98(3)

Subsection 98(3) provides that a trustee is liable to pay tax on a non-resident individual beneficiaryundefineds share of the net income of the trust or a non-resident company beneficiaryundefineds share of the net income of the trust.


   Issues relating to Corporate trustee




In legal terms, a trust is a relationship or arrangement but, unlike companies, trusts are not separate legal entities.

The trustee is the legal entity who owns the assets, is responsible for managing the trust’s tax affairs, and enters into contracts in its capacity as trustee of the trust. A trustee of a trust can be either one or more individuals, or a company.
However, trusts are treated as a separate entity for taxation purposes.




•  个人受托人可能对信托的任何法律问题承担个人责任,
•  由于个人是一个独立的法律实体,其可以被起诉、破产或离婚。
•  继任计划中可能出现的问题。


Individual trustees

An individual trustee is a natural person who is appointed the trustee of the trust.

Disadvantages of having an individual trustee are:

• The individual trustee may be held personally liable for any legal issues with the trust,
• As the individual is a separate legal entity, the individual is able to be sued, become bankrupt, or get divorced.
• Possible issues with succession planning.

However, an individual trustee is simpler to administer and with lower costs.





•  有限责任,因为公司是独立于股东的独立法人实体。公司受托人的董事通常不对信托资产的任何不足承担个人责任。
•  继任计划方面的问题更少。
•  作为公司受托人,增加或罢免董事更为容易;只需任命新董事到受托公司,并通知ASIC。

Corporate trustees

A corporate trustee is a company who is appointed the trustee of the trust. The company typically has minimal assets and would usually be set up for the sole purpose of acting as the trustee of a trust.

Corporate trustees can have one or more directors and one or more shareholders.

Some advantages of having a corporate trustee are:

• Limited liability as the company is a separate legal entity from the shareholders. The director(s) of the trustee company would not ordinarily be personally liable for any shortfall in the assets of the trust.

•  Fewer issues with succession planning.
• As a corporate trustee, it is easier to add or remove directors; the new director just needs to be appointed to the trustee company and ASIC notified.


简要地说,为了确定个人的住所,ITAA 36第6节为澳大利亚税收目的规定了“居民”的定义。


1.   在该条款的一般含义下为居民;
2.   在澳大利亚停留183天或以上;
3.   居住在澳大利亚(除非他们的“常住地”在澳大利亚境外);或
4.   是某些政府退休金计划中定义的合格雇员。

Individual residence

Briefly, to determine the residence of an individual, s 6 of the ITAA 36 provides a definition of ‘resident’ for Australian tax purposes.

An individual will be treated as a resident of Australia for taxation purposes if they:

1. are a resident under the ordinary meaning of the term;
2. spend 183 or more days in Australia;
3. are domiciled in Australia (unless their ‘usual place of abode’ is outside of Australia); or
4. are an eligible employee as defined in certain Government superannuation schemes.





Corporate residence

Corporate residence of a trust estate will be established by a foreign corporate or resident corporate trustee being found resident in Australia at any time during a year of income through the exercise of central management and control in Australia at any time during that year.

If a trust estate is determined to be a resident trust estate, consideration may need to be given to a variety of other provisions of taxation laws along with any relevant Double Taxation Agreement to determine the net income of the trust estate and liability of beneficiaries presently entitled or in receipt of amounts derived from the trust estate. Additionally, CGT events I1 and I2 (i.e. when the trust estate becomes and ceases to be a resident trust for CGT purposes) will also need to be considered along with any withholding obligations arising upon the trustee.

Foreign resident beneficiaries may have Australian taxation obligations and liabilities even though the trustee is a foreign incorporated corporate considered outside of Australian taxation law to be a foreign resident and in receipt of foreign-sourced income.


Bucket Company in Trusts

A bucket company is a company that is set up as a beneficiary to a trust. The term ‘bucket’ is used because the company sits below your trust and is used to pour money into it to reduce tax. This allows you to cap your tax payable at a corporate tax rate.


-  需要有收入的信托来分配。
-  信托契约必须允许公司成为受益人。
-  公司受益人必须属于信托契约下的“受益人”定义。


Prerequisites for a bucket company structure

Three preconditions must exist for a bucket company to function:

- There needs to be a trust with income to distribute.
- The trust deed of the trust must allow for corporations to be beneficiaries.
- The corporate beneficiary must fall within the definition ‘beneficiary’ under the trust deed.

The trust deed should include a clause which allows for distributions to a corporation that a beneficiary controls, even though that corporation is not specifically named in the trust deed.








Who should hold the Bucket company shares?

If they are individuals, then this does not allow much flexibility in how the dividends are distributed. The dividends need to be distributed exactly according to the shareholder percentage.

What could be done is for another separate trust to hold the shares of the company. That way the dividends can be distributed by the trust in the most tax effective way.

Holding the shares in a trust is also beneficial from an asset protection perspective. Over time, if a large amount of profit is distributed to the company, the company will have a lot of value. If the shares are held by the individual, this can leave the individual exposed in the event of legal proceedings.

Holding the shares in a separate trust will create another layer of asset protection, whilst also providing extra flexibility of how to tax effectively distribute the dividends.

However, we do not recommend for this to be undertaken when the core structure is being set up initially. This is as it may unnecessarily complicate matters.

The shareholders of the company can be changed at a later date with relative ease, and given this, this could be completed quickly and cost effectively once the need arise.








What to do with money in the Bucket Company

A bucket company can be a very good structure to hold long-term investments.
Effectively, the bucket company can become an investment company that seeks to generate another income source for the owner. As cash is transferred across from a trust into the company, the cash can then be invested.

Examples of investments can be listed shares, investment properties, and private investments.

When investing via a company, you need to be mindful of how companies are taxed. Companies are not eligible for the 50 per cent capital gains tax (CGT) discount, while trusts and individuals can access a 50% CGT discount if an asset is held for more than 12 months.  Also, any profit within a company is taxed at the current corporate tax rate of 27.5 per cent.

However, we do recommend that a salary and superannuation be paid to the director/s of the Company. This could reduce the tax of the company and also provide essential “borrowing capacity” to any family members who are not earning a salary. This salary could then be used to acquire a bank loan for a mortgage.

The ultimate benefit is that it could free up cash to be used for further investments which are more “high risk” with higher returns.



另一种策略是贷款。如果贷款提供给相关实体,则需要Division 7A的合规贷款安排。

What to do with the distributions in the company

Once it is established that the corporation may be classified as eligible for a distribution, it will receive the distribution and be liable to the ATO for the tax payable at the corporate tax rate.

As the distribution and (usually) cash now sits in the corporation, there arises a practical question about what to do with it. This depends on the strategy in place. For some, the purpose of a bucket company (having paid tax on it at a lower rate) is to hold the distribution until some point in the future when it can be distributed to individuals.

Another strategy involves loaning the cash. If the loan is to a related entity, a Division 7A-compliant loan arrangement is needed. 




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