

走进澳洲 澳大利亚法律框架下的合同落空原则及不可抗力条款
作者 文康律师事务所
作者: 文康律师事务所





Frustration of Contract and Force Majeure clauses under the Australian legal framework.


This article will provide an overview of the doctrine of frustration in Australian contract law and force majeure clauses from a litigation perspective.


The doctrine of changed circumstances in civil law and their differences


The doctrine of changed circumstances is an important contractual principal in civil law jurisdictions. It refers to the situation where a change to the fundamental circumstances of the contract occurs without the fault of either party, and if the continuance of the agreement delivers an unfair result, the doctrine will allow for a variation of the contractual terms.


The significance of the doctrine lies in the courts’ ability to alter or terminate the contract so as to redistribute the risks and rewards between the parties.


Although similarities exist between the doctrine of change of circumstances and the doctrine of frustration of contract, the following differences are present:


1. Difference in the width of application: more situations are applicable to the doctrine of frustration of contract than change of circumstances. The nature of the civil law doctrine differs from force majeure events and does not include incidents such as the death or incapacity of either parties, the destruction of the subject matter, or the performance of the contract becoming impossible or illegal.

2.标准不同:显失公平是判断情势变更的客观标准;而合同落空则因为某些客观原因致合同基础已不存在或合同义务发生了根本变化,致使合同履行不能或履行非常艰难和昂贵(commercially unfeasible)。

2. Difference in standards: unfairness is the objective criterion for judging changes in circumstances, whereas the contract may be frustrated due to the occurrence of an event resulting in the performance of the contract becoming impossible or commercially unfeasible.


3. Difference in its effect on the agreement: if a contract is frustrated, it will be terminated, whereas the application of the doctrine of change of circumstances will not necessarily result in the termination of the contract, but rather it provides a party with the right to request the court to alter or terminate the contract.


4. Difference in the parties’ liabilities: a frustration of contract results in the parties being discharged from their future obligations, whilst a party seeking reliance on the doctrine of change in circumstances remains obligated to the other party for restitution or damages。


What is the doctrine of frustration


A key purpose of contractual agreements is risk allocation, however, the performance of a contract may at times be disrupted by events outside the control of the either party.


In contemplation of such risks, the parties may expressly provide for what is to happen should certain disruptive/frustrating events occur. In the absence of express provision, it can be assumed that this risk has been implicitly allocated to the party affected, the result of which is that party will remain liable to perform any outstanding obligations under contract.


However, the above interpretation or inference may not be plausible or reasonable under all circumstances, especially those going well beyond what the parties could have anticipated at the time of contract. As such, the between inference may then be that there is a gap in the parties’ contract in respect to the frustrating event, and it is then that the doctrine of frustration provides an excuse for non-performance.【1】


This doctrine of frustration of contract has been articulated by Robertson and Paterson in Principles of Contract Law as:

“the discharge of contractual obligations where, without the fault of the party seeking discharge, events occurring after the contract is made would render performance of the contract radically or fundamentally different from that which was undertaken by the parties under their contract.”


The doctrine of frustration


当按照法律,合同义务已无法履行,因为要求履行的情况将使其与根据合同所承担的义务完全不同,且任何一方都没有过错时,落空事件就发生了。Non haec in foedera veni —— 这不是我承诺要做的事。

Courts in common law jurisdictions mostly have taken a narrow view of the doctrine, with the High Court of Australia approving the following:

Frustration occurs whenever the law recognises that without the fault of either party a contractual obligation has become incapable of being performed because the circumstances in which performance is called for would render it a thing radically different from that which was undertaken by the contract. Non haec in foedera veni. It was not this that I promised to do.


Hence, from a contract construction perspective, it then becomes necessary to examine all relevant evidence in order to determine what it is that the parties in fact undertook to perform. Such an examination will entail the interpretation of the terms of the contract in light of the surrounding circumstances.【2】


In practice, frustration encompass cases in which performance becomes literally impossible or where future performance has been rendered commercially unfeasible. However, mere hardship, inconvenience or material loss are generally not sufficient to frustrate a contract.


As such, a contract will not be frustrated merely because one party has made a bad bargain or because the results that one party had expected or hoped for did not eventuate. 【3】 These risks are inherent in commerce.






The following circumstances have been found to frustrate a contract:

- Illegality, where the performance of the contract becomes illegal.

- Events causing, or likely to cause, an inordinate delay as opposed to a mere delay, resulting in the performance of the contract becoming impossible or commercially unfeasible. 【4】

- Destruction of the subject matter, disappearance of the basis of the contract or the state of affairs necessary to enable the contract to be performed.【5】

- Death or incapacity of a party.


Limitations on the doctrine








The doctrine of frustration regulates the parties’ allocation of risks, following this, 3 main limitations are in place:

1. The contracting parties must not have provided for the risk of the frustrating event in their agreement.

If the frustrating event has been anticipated by the parties, its continued performance will not be radically different from those contemplated.

2. At the time of contract, the frustrating event must not have been foreseeable by the parties.

If the frustrating event is foreseeable by the parties, then it can be implied that the parties have determined that the risk is to be allocated to the party affected.

3. The frustrating event must not have been caused by the fault of the party seeking to rely on the doctrine.

The courts have not precisely defined ‘fault’ and may include negligence on the part of the party seeking on its reliance. We note the other innocent party is not precluded from relying on the doctrine.


Express provision of frustrating events in the contract





The first limitation states that a contract will not be frustrated if the risk of the event has been provided for in the contract. This risk can be provided for in a number of ways:

- Through express agreement that one party will bear the risk of the event;

- Agreement that the risk is to be borne equally or shared in unequal proportions between the parties; or

- Through the inclusion of a force majeure clause.



Force Majeure clauses

A force majeure clause is an express agreement in the contract seeking to codify the effect of specified events. The clause can either terminate the contract, or more commonly, suspends the performance of the contract by providing that the contract is not to come to an end unless the event has continued for a specified period of time and/or is incapable of remedy by the risk bearing party within this time.


1. 不可抗力事件的定义,或包括的特定范围的定义(如天灾、政府行为、战争和内乱、生产、储存或运输设施的毁坏、疫情、公共事业的失败等);

2. 一方因不可抗力事件给另一方造成损失的,不承担赔偿责任;

3. 受不可抗力事件影响的一方必须将因不可抗力事件而可能发生的任何延误通知另一方;

4. 受影响的一方必须尽一切合理努力履行其合同责任;以及

5. 任何一方因不可抗力事件造成的延期超过30日的,可以解除本合同。

Examples of such clauses will commonly include aspects such as:

i. A specified scope or definition of what a force majeure event is or includes (such as acts of God, acts of any Government, war and civil unrest, destruction of production, storage or delivery facilities, epidemics, failure of public utilities etcetera);

ii. That neither party is liable to the other party for any loss incurred by reason of a Force Majeure Event;

iii. The party affected by a Force Majeure Event must notify the other party of any anticipated delay due to that Force Majeure Event;

iv. That the party affected must use all reasonable efforts to perform its liability contract; and

v. That either party may terminate the contract if the delay due to the Force Majeure Event continues for a period in excess of 30 days.


1. 落空事件是否在本条款的范围内;和

2. 一方能否证明由于该事件的发生导致合同履行不能或失去商业价值。

Following the above, when a frustrating event occurs, the party seeking reliance need to consider:

i. whether the disruptive event comes within the width of the clause; and

ii. whether the party can prove that their ability to perform the contract was made impossible or commercially unfeasible by the event.


a) 逆编者释义原则,是指对有歧义的的合同条款,原则上将按照对编写者不利的情况进行解释;以及

b) 同类原则,即当合约条文先列举了一些特定的事项,其后再用概括性用词(general wording)附加一般事项时,后者解释只能局限于与前面列明同类性质的事项。

In order to assess the codified effect of the clause, the normal rules of contract construction are to be applied:

a) The contra proferentum rule where the clause is to be construed narrowly, and in the event of any ambiguity, to be interpreted against the interests of the party that created, introduced or drafted the clause; and

b) The ejusdem generis rule, when general wording follows a specific list of events, the general wording will be interpreted in light of the specific list of events. Such as when a catch all phrase follows a list of specific events, the catch all phrase is limited to events which are analogous to the listed events.


If the affected party is of the view that the frustrating event is within the contemplation of the clause, the affected party is still required to demonstrate that it has used all reasonable efforts to continue to perform its liabilities under the agreement and that the frustrating event has made the performance of their liability impossible or commercially unfeasible.


Further, the fact that the parties have agreed to a specific list of frustrating events may support the conclusion that the parties intend for the risk of events which are not specified to be borne by the party affected.


Consequences of Frustration


Generally, once the contract is frustrated, the contract is brought to an end and the parties are discharged from future obligations. However, clauses which regulates the parties’ future relationship may survive, such as an obligation to renegotiate or to arbitrate.


At common law, rights and liabilities which have unconditionally accrued prior to the time of the frustrating event will remain in place. However, legislation has been enacted in several Australian jurisdictions seeking to deal with circumstances where the common law position will deliver an unsatisfactory result, see:
- Frustrated Contracts Act 1978 (NSW)
- Frustrated Contracts Act 1988 (SA), and
- Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012 (VIC)

【1】Treitel, Frustration and Force Majeure.
【2】 Ibid.
【3】Robertson and Paterson, Principles of Contract Law 6th edition (2020).
【4】In assessing delay, it is relevant to consider the probable length of delay with the remaining length of contract.
【5】Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v State Rail Authority of New South Wales (1982) 149 CLR 337.




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