第二部分 可采用的结构
PART 2. Available Structures
Part 1 of this series sought to provide readers with an understanding of the different considerations when purchasing real estate in Australia. This part will introduce to our readers some of the structures which are available to purchasers under Australian law.
The first thing to note is that when structuring a purchase, whether it is for property investment, property development, as part of a business, or any other activity, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.
This is especially so given thatindividual circumstances will differ, and it is these differences which needs to be taken into account when designing a structure that is for your purpose.
Having regard to the above, conflicts willexist between the different features in a structure that is desired. A commonexample pertains to control and ownership versus assetprotection. Absolute control and complete ownership of an asset may bedesired and owning the property in your own name is the most direct solution, however if you are a director of a company, you may expose your property to thedirectors’ duties provisions in the Corporations Act. Given this, it may bebetter for you to not own the assets or at least only have partial ownership.
Also, depending on your long-term plans for the property, there may be several options open to you when it comes to structuring your property investment.
A company is a separate legal entity. Accordingly, if a company is set up to purchase a property, the individual isnot the legal owner of the property. This, whilst not affording completeownership to the individual, will however offer protection against legal claimsagainst an individual.
A company structure is a good option for property developers or those who sees their investment as long term. As a separate legal entity, thecompany is run by the appointed directors and owned by share holders. Under this structure, the property and mortgage would be under the company name, along with the liabilities.
Giventhis, increased asset protection is gained under a company structure. If however, your intention is not to hold the properties long term, a company structure maynot be worth the time and cost to establish and maintain.
Trust (unit,discretionary)
Truststructures are a popular option amongst property investors. The most common trust structures used by property investorsare family trusts or unit trusts.
Similar to a company structure, a unit trust gives you a defined interest in the trust, and your profitfrom the property will be the same as your ownership within the trust. Unit trusts can be a good option for propertyinvestment between unrelated, or non-familial, parties.
Afamily trust doesn’t have defined unit holders, and may be preferred as it provides flexibilityand asset protection.
However, one thing to note is that the complexity of your trust structure may impact howmuch you can borrow.
Generally speaking, there are some significant advantagesand disadvantages associated with buying in a trust.
One such advantage is that it provides the borrower with a certain level of asset protection. Shouldany beneficiary become bankrupt or experience financialtrouble, assets which are held in the trust are usually protected against legalclaims.
Thereare also much fewer regulations governing trusts than companies, and units cangenerally be easily transferred and re-acquired.
As per above, acompany is a separate legal entity, whilst a trust is a legal relationship, a partnership however is a contractual arrangement underwhich at least two parties carry on a business with a common purpose.
Itis important to note that each partner of a common law partnership is jointlyand severally liable to the liabilities of the partnership. As such, the personal assets of the partners can beexposed to risk if any partner is sued for an act which they conducted in thename of the partnership.
Ajoint venture can be a good optionif you have an end datefor your property investment. This structure ismore common for development projects. This is as in ajoint venture the parties share in the proceeds and not just the profits.
An example could be thatthe parties owns adjacent blocks of land, and the proceeds will be the propertythat is built on the land which is to be shared.
Individual (tenants in common equalor unequal shares; joint tenancy)
The simplest ownership structure for a property is owningthe property as an individual person. This essentially means that the property ispurchased and registered in your name.
On the downside, buying a property in your name doesn’t offer asset protection if you are personallysued.
Owning property as an individual willinclude purchasing the property with a partner or aspouse. In such situations, it is common for both names to appear on theloan documents and title deeds. The benefits of purchasingas an individual is that the loan process is simple.Unfortunately, as it does not offer any asset protection, if you were to besued, you would be liable for the outcome.
Thisalso means that anyone who is suing you, from a tenant injured in your propertyto a business associate, can attack the assets you hold in your name or yourshare of whatever is held in joint names.
Joint tenants and tenants in common
Whenparties own property as joint tenants, it will mean that:
- all joint tenants haveequal ownership and interest in the property; and
- a right of survivorship willexist.
Thisright of survivorship means that if one of the joint tenants passes away, theproperty will automatically pass to the surviving joint tenant. This right ofsurvivorship will apply regardless of any contrary intentions in the deceased’swill. As such, it is important to consider the way a property is owned whenyour will or estate plan is prepared.
Whenparties own property as tenants in common it means that two or more peopleco-own a property in defined shares. These shares can be disposed ofindependent of the other person’s interests and can be owned in equal orunequal shares.
Atenant in common can sell their shares in the property or give them away in awill. This means that there is no right of survivorship.
Ownershipas tenants in common is usual for people with adult children who are enteringsecond marriages, or for people who are contributing very different amountstowards the purchase of a property. This form of ownership can also be utilisedfor investors who are buying properties together.
Individualpurchased under another’s name
This is not recommended at all. There are much moresecure ways of achieving the same result in Australia.文康-君益诚律师联盟处理过诸多涉及澳大利亚的业务,在此基础上联盟成立了澳洲业务团队,团队成员包括多位能以英语为熟练工作语言的中国律师以及澳大利亚注册律师。
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